GGG highlights
For the uninitiated, GGG is GottaGetGon, the best little folk music festival ever. See today's Times-Union, Gazette or Saratogian for a peek. But the Gazette did get one thing wrong: It's not a bluegrass festival. Yeah, there's bluegrass, but there's also swing, sea chanteys, blues, country, old-time rock 'n' roll and whatever music folks enjoy making for themselves (Jake's definition of folk music).
OK, highlights:
Meeting the wee (8-day-old) Tell. Giving her the blankie I made for her in her parents' wedding colors, and seeing her wrapped in it the next day.
Sunday morning swing jam. Singing Andrews Sisters-style with CC and ML.
Playing with NiiceDuude out behind the shed. I'm talking MUSIC, people; get your minds out of the gutter!
Jake's cooking.
Thoroughly enjoying the beer but not getting effed up or enduring killer hangovers. A minor headache and a touch of dehydration- and heat-induced exhaustion while cleaning up Chez Jake today were the only consequences. Both short-lived. This has not been the case in past years. I must be learning that pacing thing.
Having so much great after-hours music to choose from (especially Sunday) that I was wishing I had two clones. This is not a bad thing.
Cuddling under a rainy roof.
Being Vice Chef in Charge of Omelets when ND had to go play drums for the swing workshop. Let the record show that I now have mad omelet skillz.
Starting and finishing two books, and getting more than halfway through a third, during late-night nobody to socialize with time and early-morning not ready to be sociable time. BTW, I HIGHLY recommend "Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly."
There are more. And there are pictures. There are also brain cells to be grown back and sleep to be caught up on. Stay tuned. And to all of you who made this weekend one of the best GGGs ever, thanks and hugs.