
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Tempest in a (Chinese? Japanese?) teapot

I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this. I should probably laugh, because I did so much crying over it last night that my glasses are still not sitting right on my face -- thanks to the puffy eyes.

I posted a link previously to Trubble's Catbox, a board for survivors of emotional abuse. I have found great support/validation there in dealing with my lingering JR-related issues. Although I feel a little silly posting about the wounds he caused me when we didn't really make it to the serious relationship stage, when some of these women have been married to and have kids with emotional abusers, they have welcomed me.

I've only been a member for about two months but I find I can offer good counsel to newer members who are trying to figure out if their partner's behavior is normal and if they are just overreacting. The answer usually is: It's not, and you're not. LOSE THIS LOSER.

I also belong to Television Without Pity, where it's fairly common on the forums for us to refer to our spouses/partners as "Mr. (My Screen Name) or "Mrs. (My Screen Name").

Sooo ... a new person (I'll call her Krissy37) posts to the Catbox about her asshole husband. It's a long post that goes into great detail about things he's said and done that anyone with a degree of distance can see are abusive.

She gets lots of "lose this loser" responses, including mine, which I started:

Dear Mr. Krissy37:

The Clue Store is having a sale. I suggest you stop by and pick one up. Heck, get two; they're cheap.

Then I go on to address her directly about how she doesn't deserve this treatment and she should keep posting because she will find support and encouragement here.

Then ... I get a private message from one of the moderators telling me the post was "insulting and uncalled for" and asking me to edit or delete it.

Now, few things upset me more than being blindsided with criticism or reprimand. Here I am going blithely along thinking it's sunny and 72 and someone gets in my shit for doing something that I had NO CLUE was wrong. (Maybe I need to visit the Clue Store?)

I lose it. I cry for HOURS. I delete the post and send a private message to the moderator telling her I did and explaining that I had no idea what I said was insulting; I was only trying to inject a little humor. NiiceDuude can easily snap me out of an upset with a joke. Her response indicates that the post was interpreted that I made the "clue store" comment to the POSTER, not her husband.

I posted an apology on the affected thread, explaining what the post really said -- addressed to MR. Krissy, not Krissy -- and that I was sorry it was misread.

The woman who I have reason to believe filed the complaint responds. She thought I was a foreigner and English was not my first language! She said she deals with Asians a lot in her work and they frequently err and call her Mr.

Those of you who know me well enough to read this blog know that:

1. I am a native English speaker.
2. I minored in English.
3. I taught English for half a year.
4. For most of the past 25 years I have been in journalism, much of that as a copy editor, who CORRECTS OTHER PEOPLE'S ENGLISH FOR A LIVING.
5. My eyes are very large, very blue and very round.

Of course, the woman who complained about my post has no way of knowing any of this, so I don't blame her. I just can't believe I spent an entire evening in tears because someone assumed I am not a native English speaker and therefore thought I was being insulting.

Needless to say, if I am going to use humor in the Catbox, I will be VERY careful about my phrasing in future.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Avast, mateys!

Tuesday, Sept. 19, is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! You know what to do. If something goes wrong, like your computer crashes or you get cut off in traffic, instead of "Shit!" or "Bite me!" just utter a hearty "Arrrrr!" Or maybe "Shiver me timbers and blow me!" Then celebrate with some Captain Morgan.

It's been a while since I posted, mainly because life continues to be crazy -- good crazy. Morris has started again, we've had sick friends to visit (they are recovering, yay!), weddings to attend, a Last Gasp (great as always), Tugboat Roundup, NiiceDuude's swing and Dixieland band commitments, my Solidarity Singers commitments, and of course, work. Remember that? the thing we get paid for?

Fritz and Jennifer asked me to sing at their wedding, which is the weekend after next. A song of my choice to reflect the role of the gathering of friends in their union. I thought about "All the Good People," but while the overall sentiment is nice, the verses are kind of sexist and from a male perspective. So I've decided to go with "Give Yourself to Love" instead.

Speaking of songs, if you have ever been, or know someone who has been, in a relationship with an asshole, go to Christine Lavin's Website: and download a free copy of "Stop Your Sobbing, He's an Idiot (Happy Dance)." There's a "She's an Idiot" version, too. It definitely reminded me of someone *cough*J.R. Gach*cough*.

Things that make me do the happy dance:

Abby, Ed and Rozita
Cruising on Lake George with co-workers last week, which I thought would be dull but was actually fun. Even got to sing!
Greg and Ed getting better
Jake's lentil and spinach (frozen!) soup with SNAUSAGES!
Trubble's Catbox:, a forum for survivors of emotional abuse. Who, me? Yeah, me. Read the J.R. posts.

There's more, but that's a start. Cheers!