R.I.P., Anna Nicole

I wasn't a fan of hers in life and even dissed her in print. I never understood the appeal of people like Anna Nicole Smith and Paris Hilton who are famous merely for being famous.
But this woman touched people. C.W. Nevius of the San Francisco Chronicle has a very moving and well-written column that explains why.
She was beautiful. She was rich. But she was not immune to pain. She came from poverty. She struggled with her weight, like so many of us. She suffered the worst tragedy that can befall a parent: the death of her own child. And she leaves behind a tiny baby too young to remember Mommy.
And I may go to hell for saying this, but it wouldn't surprise me if Lisa Marie Nowak is breathing a huge sigh of relief that this story has pushed hers off the front page.
Rest in peace, Anna.
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