
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wanna-do list revisited

Last year I didn't make resolutions; I made a "wanna-do" list instead (thanks SyncretistFool). Here's how it worked out.

Practice guitar at least once a week. (didn't happen)

Play music with NiiceDuude at least twice a month. (a couple of times but not once a month)

Meet my cyberfriend Bean in person (not yet).

Visit the library at least once a month. (every other month is more like it)

Find some interesting low/no-carb recipes. (found a couple)

Get to know MMB better. (on our way)

Learn "A Gathering of Spirits." (a great song, but not yet)

Learn "Calling All the Children Home." (see previous)

Create a morris dance to "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" for the Tulip Festival. (did that)

Sell at least one article or short story. (no)

Call my mom more, and send her pictures. (working on that)

Save something out of each paycheck. (tried but failed -- too much fiscal baggage/back debts from the Toxic Jock era)

Get a professional bra fitting. (yes, but I'm still not satisfied)

Resume home brewing. (yes, made a batch for NiiceDuude's birthday in November)

Finish baby afghans for my expectant friends and co-worker. (done)

Buy a pair of jeans that fits and flatters. (done)

Plant something in my flower bed. (done)

Get new glasses. (done)

Attend doo-wop at least once a month. (more like every other, but not my fault! As soon as I get back in, other things intervene -- it gets canceled, or ND and I have other commitments)

Exercise peripheral vision. (no)

Learn all the words to "That's What Friends Are For" (if only I could find them)

Buy an Old Songs Brick with "It's a Pleasure to Know You." (done)

Offer something on Freecycle at least once a month. (went long stretches without, but did some binges, so I think it evens out)

Try to make someone else's day as often as possible. (yes)

Dig out one of the craft supplies I bought years ago (rug braiding kit, copper cross-stitch magnets) and complete a project. (no)

Make dinner (or breakfast, or both) for NiiceDuude at least once a month. (more like every other, it is more convenient to stay at his place than to have him here)

Host an a cappella sing. (no)

So all the things I didn't get to are on my wanna-do list for 2007. All the things I did get to, I hope to keep doing.

Oh, yeah, and lose 50 pounds.

Happy New Year, everyone!


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