
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I am a bug-eyed freak!

And proud of it, goddammit!

I am DONE with Toxic Jock -- who no longer deserves the protection of a pseudonym here. He is J.R. Gach of 93.7/94.5. I'll continue to protect the identity of his girlfriend, Marcia!Marcia!Marcia!

This man did enormous damage to me a couple of years ago with his line of bullshit. I've shared the story here and with many of you personally, so I'm not going to repeat it. But even after that, I remained one of his most loyal fans. Even when his shtick got old and dull -- talking about nothing but himself, his relationship with Marcia and all the money he makes and stuff he buys -- I kept listening. Even when he showed blatant disrespect for his fans by "disappearing" over the holidays -- had himself totally expunged from the station, the Web site, everything, only to spring his new time slot on us last week -- I kept listening.

Then June C. and I both posted in the Land of Confusion about how we were tired of hearing him talk about Marcia all the time. Long story short, we each got hate mail, me from her and June from him. According to them, we are pathetic no-life freaks and worse (according to her, I'm also borderline psychotic).

I never had a problem with being called one of the "freaks" (aka hardcore fans) on the air. OK, it stung a little back in the day when I was desperately trying to reforge a friendship with him, but that was a long time ago.

But dissing us on the air is no longer just harmless "shtick" when he's backing it up with e-mail. I tuned in briefly out of curiosity this morning and heard several references to "Saint Marcia" (which I'd called her in my post) and "bug-eyed freaks," which I know was aimed squarely at me. You'll understand if you've seen my very large eyes -- which, just for the record, he once called "magnificent."

Two years ago, I'd have been devastated. Now I'm laughing my ass off. For a couple of no-life pathetic losers who don't matter, we have inspired quite the reaction.

June and I aren't the only ones who are tired of J.R. He can call us names all he wants -- we aren't listening -- but he's in trouble if he doesn't face up to the fact that he's losing his fan base. Oh, wait, J.R. face reality? What am I thinking?


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