
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

So this is what closure feels like!

Every day my mind drifts back to Toxic Jock, for a little bit. And with every passing day, I relive the events of 2003 and realize that WB was right.

Me: But feelings like that couldn't just evaporate overnight! He has to still feel something!

WB: Look, I'm a guy. Been there, done that. Guys will say or do ANYTHING if they think it's going to get them laid.

Me: No, no, I know genuine emotion when I see it!

WB: Read. My. Lips. And see above.

Grossly paraphrased, but you get the idea. Bottom line: Every time I relive the situation in my head, it becomes clearer and clearer that WB was right. I got played like a Stradifuckinvarius. Memo to any guys reading this who are desperate to get laid: Play the "I can't deal with being just friends. I gotta have more because you are so special" card. Memo to any women reading this who are dealt that card: RUN SCREAMING IN THE OTHER DIRECTION.

So. I got played. I not only realize that now, but accept it. He's an asshole. He's still entertaining, but nowhere near as compelling as he used to be. Podcasts are white noise to block out annoying chitchat at work, not words to hang onto.

In other news: A most excellent night of Hedonism. HR has transformed from an annoying, screaming toddler into a lovely soon-to-be-woman who has inherited her momma's pipes and her daddy's musicianship. AF has transformed from a li'l Cabbage Patch Kid clone (What? Cabbage Patch Kids are cute) into a cool chick with a tat and red dreads who sings Joni Mitchell songs better than Joni.

Still other news: I called my mom on Thanksgiving and it didn't suck! No guilt trips, no "why don't you call more often?" Just two girls updating each other's lives and even cracking jokes:

Mom: "I'm getting fitted for hearing aids, and that's a pain in the ass."

Me: "Ma ... they don't go in your ass."

Mom: ::cracks up::

Either they served good wine with Thanksgiving dinner at the senior complex, or my mama has finally figured out that (a) she will never understand me, (b) I will never be the stereotypical dutiful daughter and (c) she's cool with that. Either way, it's all good.

Still more news: A family I adore is expecting an addition! Yaay!


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