Happy birthday, dear WB!!!!
You cradle robber! Dating a woman 11 years younger! Ah, but in 12 days I shall be a mere 10 years younger. For those who don't know the back story, WB is now 57 and I am 46, soon to be 47 and waaaay too close to 50. Damn, we are old!
At 9:47 AM,
niicelaady said…
From Twinkletoze via e-mail:
He's old, you're old, everybody's old. Wait...not me! Sorry, it's one of the few things I'll always be able to lord over y'all, which I'm sure will riddle me with guilt and anxiety some day far in the future when I am staring down my own imminent birthday, copious wrinkles, brittle hips and sagging parts after you are all in the ground (not that I'm eagerly awaiting this day, mind you).
You all may have wisdom and experience and the secrets of the ages, me, I got a full head of hair, parts that still defy gravity (mostly) and the magnificent blinders of youth (consequences, what consequences?).
Still, may you all live through a buttload more of these annual reminders of age. And oh, by the way? Not changing adult diapers. I categorically refuse. Just FYI.
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