She's baack!
I thought that survey below didn't go up because there was something wrong with the code. But there it is! I think the thing wrong with the code was the part that lets you post only a short version -- this posted the whole thing. So anyway, content:
It has been a crazy summer around here, what with two jobs, three cats, one sweetie, many friends and being busy just about every weekend.
Last weekend in June: Old Songs Festival. Survived. Enjoyed.
First weekend in July: Helped NiiceDuude move. This is the deck in his new backyard, and yes, that's the Hudson. ND is the one in the orange T-shirt with his back to the camera. The others are our friends AA, Jake and FE.

Last weekend: Very cool 25th anniversary campout party for our friends in Vermont.
This weekend: Rozita's first vet visit (since I adopted her) on Saturday. I feared the worst since she loves being petted but hates being "handled." But she basically went limp and did not protest shots, pills or flea drops. General Schuyler's Pantry with the swing band today (Sunday). New musician sat in, a kickass soprano sax player and thoroughly nice guy.
Next weekend: ND's 40th high-school reunion. This will be my first opportunity to meet some of his relatives and most of his high-school friends. I am very psyched, even though people think I'm nuts for wanting to go. They think I'll feel bored or left out, and I probably will at times, but I'm looking forward to meeting these folks I've been hearing him talk about for the past 14 years.
Following weekend: Peace picnic/morris team summer feast at Grafton State Park. Yay to the morris team for allowing me to be two places at once.
First weekend in August: Dog Days Ale (a gathering of morris teams). I'm not all that psyched -- dancing in August? Eww! -- but ND is, so I'm sure I'll end up enjoying it.
Second weekend in August: Cardboard boat races in Schuylerville. Swing band will play. I may open; we'll see. Any of you who have been planning to visit Schuylerville, this is a perfect opportunity (hint, hint, RF).
Third and fourth weekends: Nothing on the calendar yet, but the way things have been going, I'm sure something will probably pop up.
Sometime in September I'll be spending a week in California with my mom. Definitely mixed feelings about this. Will enjoy hanging out with her, I'm sure, and she's putting me up in a hotel as her apartment is small and so is my budget. But I hate hate HATE to fly. If I had three weeks vacation time to blow, I'd take the train.
November will be MY high school reunion -- 30th. I'm looking forward to that. I didn't think my HS even HAD reunions, as it closed/merged with the boys school about 15 years ago. But they do an alumni weekend for alums of both schools. I am totally out of touch with these people and haven't even visited that town in almost 20 years (no reason to since my mom moved to California in the '80s). So it will be a hoot to see them again and show them the weird kid didn't make out half bad.
Now if I can only schedule time to eat, sleep and breathe ... and get caught up on my TV watching!
p.s. No pics of the new car since I may not get to keep her. Title issue. The dealer will probably end up putting me in something else. THEN I'll post a picture.
It has been a crazy summer around here, what with two jobs, three cats, one sweetie, many friends and being busy just about every weekend.
Last weekend in June: Old Songs Festival. Survived. Enjoyed.
First weekend in July: Helped NiiceDuude move. This is the deck in his new backyard, and yes, that's the Hudson. ND is the one in the orange T-shirt with his back to the camera. The others are our friends AA, Jake and FE.

Last weekend: Very cool 25th anniversary campout party for our friends in Vermont.
This weekend: Rozita's first vet visit (since I adopted her) on Saturday. I feared the worst since she loves being petted but hates being "handled." But she basically went limp and did not protest shots, pills or flea drops. General Schuyler's Pantry with the swing band today (Sunday). New musician sat in, a kickass soprano sax player and thoroughly nice guy.
Next weekend: ND's 40th high-school reunion. This will be my first opportunity to meet some of his relatives and most of his high-school friends. I am very psyched, even though people think I'm nuts for wanting to go. They think I'll feel bored or left out, and I probably will at times, but I'm looking forward to meeting these folks I've been hearing him talk about for the past 14 years.
Following weekend: Peace picnic/morris team summer feast at Grafton State Park. Yay to the morris team for allowing me to be two places at once.
First weekend in August: Dog Days Ale (a gathering of morris teams). I'm not all that psyched -- dancing in August? Eww! -- but ND is, so I'm sure I'll end up enjoying it.
Second weekend in August: Cardboard boat races in Schuylerville. Swing band will play. I may open; we'll see. Any of you who have been planning to visit Schuylerville, this is a perfect opportunity (hint, hint, RF).
Third and fourth weekends: Nothing on the calendar yet, but the way things have been going, I'm sure something will probably pop up.
Sometime in September I'll be spending a week in California with my mom. Definitely mixed feelings about this. Will enjoy hanging out with her, I'm sure, and she's putting me up in a hotel as her apartment is small and so is my budget. But I hate hate HATE to fly. If I had three weeks vacation time to blow, I'd take the train.
November will be MY high school reunion -- 30th. I'm looking forward to that. I didn't think my HS even HAD reunions, as it closed/merged with the boys school about 15 years ago. But they do an alumni weekend for alums of both schools. I am totally out of touch with these people and haven't even visited that town in almost 20 years (no reason to since my mom moved to California in the '80s). So it will be a hoot to see them again and show them the weird kid didn't make out half bad.
Now if I can only schedule time to eat, sleep and breathe ... and get caught up on my TV watching!
p.s. No pics of the new car since I may not get to keep her. Title issue. The dealer will probably end up putting me in something else. THEN I'll post a picture.
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