Abby update
She came out of hiding and allowed me to snap this picture of her with her deep and not deadly wound:

But she still won't let me get close enough to give her drugs. Hoping her immune system can fight off infection until she does.

But she still won't let me get close enough to give her drugs. Hoping her immune system can fight off infection until she does.
At 5:39 AM,
The Bean said…
Poor thing! Yikes that looks like it hurts - any clue what it came from? I recommend covering her with a towel and then using it to cocoon her to hold her paws in while you give her medicine - that's what I have to do with McKinley - good luck!
At 7:28 PM,
niicelaady said…
The weird thing is, she doesn't seem to be in pain at all. Not limping, and purring a lot. She's a tough kitty!
RF, I cheat. I mix meds in with their food. Beats trying to jam a pill or a dropper down their throats! The hardest part is keeping the unmedicated animals away from the medicated food!
Abby sends virtual ankle rubs of gratitude for your good wishes.
At 5:59 AM,
The Bean said…
I'm impressed your kitty eats the food like that. McKinley won't. No matter how little I put in her food, she automatically knows and either lifts her nose up to it or throws the can food everywhere - talk about a mess!
At 8:08 PM,
niicelaady said…
You know how some animals come running at the sound of a can opener? My now-deceased Chihuahua, Mona, developed seizures at 12 1/2 and was put on phenobarb. I used to grind the pill into canned food for her. So she and the other animals I had at the time (another Chi about her age and a cat in her late teens), learned to come running at the sound of a pill bottle opening! Treat time, woohoo!
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