Abby's Big Adventure

I have been a furbaby (tm Bean/RadioFanatic) mama for many, many years, but I can't remember the last time I had to deal with an injured animal. Illnesses and allergies, lots of times, but I've been fortunate that none of my critters has gotten hurt.
Until today, when Abby (my oldest kitty) came home from a night out with a nasty leg wound. Blood everywhere; the house looked like "CSI: Schuylerville." I tried to clean it, but the bleeding wouldn't stop.
So after a brief comedy of errors trying to find a nearby, available vet, I got her in at Battenkill Veterinary. Apparently whatever cut her got a blood vessel, hence the prolific bleeding. They had to keep her for the day as she needed to be anesthetized so the wound could be examined and treated properly.
I brought her home with stitches, antibiotics and an attitude. She hates having her routine disrupted. So she's hiding, otherwise I'd post a more recent picture. This one is about three years old, but she hasn't changed, other than the shaved leg.
Needless to say, she will be an indoor cat for the foreseeable future.
At 6:02 AM,
The Bean said…
So sorry about Abby - I hope she feels better soon. My kitty McKinley has used up about 7 of her 9 lives, so I can totally relate to the panic you must have been feeling.
Feel better soon Abby and don't scare your mommy so much!
At 7:59 PM,
niicelaady said…
Thanks, RF. I'm feeling better and I'm sorry I scared my mom -- and cost her $200 at the vet to boot. But hey, I'm worth it.
If you and my mom ever meet up to visit the bookstore here in Schuylerville (hint: This Sunday is good!), be sure to stop by and see me!
Say hi to McKinley for me.
Love, Abby
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