
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Ironic that such a leftist organization should have so many dubyas in its URL, no?

I have been to their website and will be printing out the form to join tomorrow. No printer set up at home yet because of a shortage of outlets in the power strip. If anyone at work is tracking my online activity or sees my IWW bumper sticker and gets suspicious, I shall tell them this: I feel no need to organize my workplace because they treat us decently. I pay the dues, wear the shirt and support the IWW in solidarity/support of those who still need our help: the migrants, the child sweatshop workers and sex slaves, the Southern chicken processing plant workers who would rather wear Depends on the job than ask for a bathroom break.

Corresponding with BFG and anticipating the Trio's wedding has had me thinking a lot about the nature of love. Back in the day, BFG wanted to unite himself, his wife and me into one happy family. She and I made the effort but our hearts weren't in it because we both wanted him for ourselves; we were only going along with the threesome idea to please him and secretly hoping he would choose one of us -- the bigger trouper about the whole idea. I remain an old-fashioned girl, a one-man woman who wants a one-woman man and doesn't want to share. I have the greatest admiration for the Trio for pulling off the arrangement without jealousy issues intruding. Maybe because the women were together first, so there's not the baggage of competing for the Very Special Affection of The Guy.

Love can be so simple, yet so complicated. Once when WB and I were discussing my TJ obsession, I reiterated that I never had sex with him. His reply: "You act like this is all about sex!" Well, guess what, for me it is. I feel love for many people, some of them male. But the only one I have any desire to have sex with is the one I love the most. For me sex is the ultimate expression of love and not to be shared lightly. So in my twisted little mind, the one I am having sex with has no reason to feel threatened by those I care deeply for but am not getting nekkid with.

Thoughts on this would be most welcome. Goodnight, all.


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