Good times, great oldies ...
One of the best Champlain Valley Folk Festivals ever!
Yes, June C., I said Hi to Champ for you. I didn't see him but we passed Champ's General Store by the Crown Point Bridge, and I said hi as we passed, coming and going. He must be putting in long hours at that store as he is not hanging out in the lake -- just sending zebra mussels to do his dirty work.
As WB put it, festival pushed lots of good buttons. Kim and Reggie. Magpie. IWW centennial (yes, I am joining up). Heather Wood of Poor Old Horse singing "Lonesome Robin" dedicated to Helen Schneyer. Dan Berggren singing "Old Green Sweater" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep," participating in our a cappella sing Sunday night in the campground, and giving me (a) the words to his secular "Angel Band" and (b) props for MY singing. No. 2 daughter of WB leading songs. Meeting friends of N2DOWB. Talking to N2DOWB like an adult. Fine chow from Chez Jake. Bethel's brickle.
U. Utah Phillips -- yaay! So many Utah one liners, so little time:
On being invited to move to Canada and get away from all the current bullshit: Miscellaneous rantings on how things used to be a LOT worse here and people gave their lives to make them better, followed by "No. It's MY country. It's just been taken over by assholes and I want it back!"
"So many conservative Christians, so few lions."
"Politics. From the Greek: Poly = many. Ticks = bloodsucking insects."
On speaking at a graduation: "This is one of those occasions where people will tell you that you (young people) are our most valuable natural resource. Do you know what we DO to our valuable natural resources?" (Followed by rant on strip mining, etc.)
Musical and political batteries duly recharged. Twice-fermented apple brandy from Transylvania duly consumed, and hangover duly endured. Good to be home with Abby, Ed and Rozita, who are all well.
Any CVFF denizens who happen to be reading this, thank you for EVERYTHING. LuvU2bits.
Yes, June C., I said Hi to Champ for you. I didn't see him but we passed Champ's General Store by the Crown Point Bridge, and I said hi as we passed, coming and going. He must be putting in long hours at that store as he is not hanging out in the lake -- just sending zebra mussels to do his dirty work.
As WB put it, festival pushed lots of good buttons. Kim and Reggie. Magpie. IWW centennial (yes, I am joining up). Heather Wood of Poor Old Horse singing "Lonesome Robin" dedicated to Helen Schneyer. Dan Berggren singing "Old Green Sweater" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep," participating in our a cappella sing Sunday night in the campground, and giving me (a) the words to his secular "Angel Band" and (b) props for MY singing. No. 2 daughter of WB leading songs. Meeting friends of N2DOWB. Talking to N2DOWB like an adult. Fine chow from Chez Jake. Bethel's brickle.
U. Utah Phillips -- yaay! So many Utah one liners, so little time:
On being invited to move to Canada and get away from all the current bullshit: Miscellaneous rantings on how things used to be a LOT worse here and people gave their lives to make them better, followed by "No. It's MY country. It's just been taken over by assholes and I want it back!"
"So many conservative Christians, so few lions."
"Politics. From the Greek: Poly = many. Ticks = bloodsucking insects."
On speaking at a graduation: "This is one of those occasions where people will tell you that you (young people) are our most valuable natural resource. Do you know what we DO to our valuable natural resources?" (Followed by rant on strip mining, etc.)
Musical and political batteries duly recharged. Twice-fermented apple brandy from Transylvania duly consumed, and hangover duly endured. Good to be home with Abby, Ed and Rozita, who are all well.
Any CVFF denizens who happen to be reading this, thank you for EVERYTHING. LuvU2bits.
At 7:02 AM,
The Bean said…
good post - Mr. Bean used to post a blog at
I honestly don't know if it's even there anymore b/c he hasn't posted in a long time - but what he did was amazing.
thanks for the warm words from my dad - I'm still waiting for the results.
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