
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Toxic Jock Syndrome back in remission

Permanently, let's hope. I felt only the tiniest twinge today when Iheard TJ use the E word. The happy ending dream is once again a little BB in the back of the brain.

What have I been yearning for, really? The incredibly scintillating conversation? I remember him using that old line, "You don't have to be Fellini making art films to get that train in the tunnel thing!" And how proud of myself I was to retort: "That wasn't Fellini. That was Hitchcock: 'North by Northwest!' "

I have had, and continue to have, many conversations as stimulating, if not more so, with JB, GL, June C., PTL and of course, the Fabulous Boyfriend (hereinafter FBF), to name a few. The reason I thought the TJ connection was so speshul -- yaay! -- was because of the context. Here was a guy who was telling me with his every word and action that I was the most incredible woman he'd ever met.

Not to take anything away from FBF, but I never got that from him because we drifted into love from casual friendship. Which, of course, is far more enduring than the swept-off-feet-by-wild-infatuation thing. As that song Kate Wolf sang (but didn't write) says: Some kind of love starts as friends/and that kind of love never ends/It comes on slow/like a flower in snow/Some kind of love starts as friends.

Friends turned lovers = fine wine. Manic infatuation = crack. More addictive, but as June points out, BAD FOR YOU!!!!

Still trying to sort out reactions to events in London, but still wrapped up in own little world. Maybe more later. I'll say this: When I flipped my daily calendar at work to 7/7 this morning, it crossed my mind that something about that date said "memorable day for terrorist attack." Maybe I was remembering Mohawk Man's speculation from a year ago that 7/11 would be the perfect date for such a thing.

Someone else who uses Blogger/Blogspot, give me some tips on adding links!


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