
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Best. Wedding. Ever.

And I've been to quite a few, including my own.

Most everyone who reads this blog knows who the Threesome is. For the benefit of those who don't (Hi Digi! Hi RF!), they are three excellent young people -- two women and a man -- in their late 20s/early 30s. The two women -- one of whom is the daughter of my bestest bud, JB -- met in college and had a commitment ceremony in 1997. A few years later they met the guy and brought him into their relationship. Yesterday's ceremony was a renewal of vows for the women and an official sealing of their union with him -- well, official as it can be given that such unions are not recognized by law.

Back in the day, slave marriages were not recognized by law either, so slaves sealed their union by jumping over a broom together, a ritual that the Threesome incorporated into their own ceremony, along with the Quaker tradition of having all present sign their marriage certificate. Beyond that it was a very straightforward and very sweet Unitarian ceremony.

They have taken a new last name, and I'm not going to tell you what it is here because of my tradition of using initials/pseudonyms in my blog, but Johnson it appears Rivers somewhere Love in this Marshall sentence Lipschitz. The curious can e-mail me.

I contradanced at the reception with WB and -- a first! -- with JB. We partied into the night and sang songs and ate JB Soup. And I was up before dawn to make the trip home and get ready for work. Good, though.

And I will tell WB this directly, but let the record show he did a KICKASS job as on-site coordinator/troubleshooter, or as the Threesome dubbed him, dictator. He could easily make his living at this. Rest well, dear; you earned it.

I know one member of the family checks into this blog semi-regularly. She probably won't see it until after the honeymoon (bon voyage, mes amis!), but when she does I hope she will pass along the following kudos to those who don't read it:

MJ's mom: Excellent father-daughter/mother-son dance for six!

RS's sister: With that voice you were born to be a minister! Nice work.

All 'rents: You have raised three of the finest people I have ever had the privilege to call friends.

Future children of this union: You are the luckiest little rugrats in the world to be born into such a family.

To the Threesome themselves: I am pretty damn lucky too -- make that blessed and honored -- to have been part of your special day and to be part of your extended family. Thank you.

I'd better stop now because tears can really mess up a keyboard.


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