Rediscovering my ale love!

Ale the beverage I never stopped loving. But ales, aka gatherings of morris dance teams, I haven't been crazy about for some time. My last couple of experiences with them haven't been pleasant. Thornden Morris' 25th anniversary ale was too much driving and excessive partying for someone who had driven all that way and just wanted to rest. And the 2003 P'home happened while I was in the acute phase of Toxic Jock Syndrome, and wasn't enjoying much of anything.
But this past weekend at the Dog Days Ale helped me realize that these can be tons of fun. Thoroughly enjoyed all the stands, the food, the setting, the company. Not perfect, but very cool.
JC, who rode with me, probably won't read this, but let the record show she has mad navigation skillz. If not for her, I might still be wandering aimlessly on the back roads of Tompkins County.
BTW, speaking of Toxic Jock, aka J.R. Gach, he lost his job last week. Finally, karma catches up with him. Good riddance, Gach Trash! Don't let the door hit you in your fat ass on the way out.
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