
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Crappy birthday, J.R. Gach!

He's 54 today! That would be fifty-four (54). Did I mention he's 54? Fat Bastard is vain about his age, so I feel compelled to spread the word. I'm referring to the fat bastard who is 54 today.

J.R. Gach is one of a handful of people I do not afford the luxury of pseudonyms on my blog, because he sucks.

Another whom I will name directly, but NOT because she sucks, is Paddy Kilrain.

Girlfriend is an awesome young singer-songwriter who was injured in a hit-and-run with a drunken driver on Friday night. Please send her prayers, or if you are not the praying kind, good thoughts. She will be OK, thank Deity.

I feel good today despite having just come from a memorial. The deceased is the mother of a friend. I never met her. I am not especially tight with the daughter, although I like her. NiiceDuude and I sat outside with friends, traded bullshit, had fun. I felt like the old, pre-J.R. me at last. Spring weather may have had something to do with this.

Last night we parked cars for a Gordon Bok concert. Gordon is audio Prozac, although he forgot a LOT of words. OldTimer's disease? I certainly hope not. I have moments like that too, and I don't think I have the big A.

May the road rise to meet you ...


  • At 4:47 PM, Blogger niicelaady said…

    Mrs. Pi, do you remember the show (had to be in January or early February, because that's when I quit listening) when Pi mentioned that JR was turning 54 this year. JR was all, "You son of a bitch! You dump that! And keep it off the podcast!" He sounded genuinely pissed. And I would hear that same irritation/anger when Pi would make some innocent reference to his age (memory failing, etc.)

    I like to keep people guessing about my age, too, or at least enjoy their shock when I tell them the real number (luckily, most people do shave off about five years) but I think JR is genuinely vain and maybe a little freaked out about getting older -- maybe he's afraid of turning into Boom Boom Brannigan LOL.


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