
To paraphrase the Capital One commercial: What's in YOUR head? What's in mine is here: always personal, occasionally political, sometimes a rant on language or pop culture, or a heads-up on an interesting link I've found. I hope that all my friends will visit and comment and gain some insights into the workings of my twisted little mind.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

On a roll

For some reason I have been feeling unusually optimistic and energetic the past week or so. It may be the beautiful weather, may be my raging premenopausal hormones -- which can just as easily set me off on a crying jag -- but I'm not going to analyze it too much, just run with it.

Half past noon and I've already:

Taken out trash.
Cleaned cat boxes.
Done dishes.
Hooked up new VCR and put out Freecycle post on old one.
Done duct-tape repair job on computer chair.
Collected up empties to return to beverage store.
Secured window screens (an urgent job since Eddie knocked one out and escaped. I'm not too worried; he is an indoor kitty but last time he escaped he didn't stray far).

Still to be done:
Pack away winter clothes.
Wash kitchen and bathroom floors.
Clean bathroom fixtures.
Return empties, buy fullies (maybe Fuller's? JB coming for Easter!).
Put away dishes.
Give cats flea drops (dreading this, as Rozita HATES having foreign substances applied. Giving her hairball ointment is hella traumatizing).
Shower, do assorted personal-care things I never get to during the week (leg shaving, etc.)
Clean dead leaves out of flower bed.

But now I'm on a lunch break. Yay lunch breaks!


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